Index>Robot Kit>RaspArm-S Kit for RPi>Lesson 3 Creating a WiFi Hotspot on Raspberry Pi

Lesson 3 Creating a WiFi Hotspot on Raspberry Pi


The method of turning on the WIFI hotspot in our robot product uses a project from GitHub create_ap. Our installation script will automatically install this program and related dependent libraries. If you have not run our installation script, you can use the following command to install create_ap:

sudo git clone

cd create_ap

sudo make install

1.Install related dependent libraries:

sudo apt-get install -y util-linux procps hostapd iproute2 iw haveged dnsmasq

2.Before turning on the hotspot, your Raspberry Pi cannot be connected to WIFI, and the WIFI module cannot be turned off, so when you test the hotspot function, you need to connect the necessary peripherals for the Raspberry Pi.

3.Under normal circumstances, if the robot program is not connected to the WIFI when it is turned on, it will automatically turn on the hotspot. You can use your phone or computer to search for the WIF named Adeept. The default password is 1234. Once the connection is successful, you can log in to 192.168 .12.1: 5000 using a browser to open the WEB application to control the robot.

4.If your Raspberry Pi is connected to peripherals, and you want to test the Raspberry Pi ’s ability to turn on hotspots, you can click the WIFI icon in the upper right corner of the Raspberry Pi ’s desktop, click the name of the connected WIFI, click forget, and never turn Off WIFI, if it is already in the off state, you need to turn it on.

5.When the WIFI module of the Raspberry Pi is turned on and is not connected to any known network, you can enter the following command:

sudo create_ap wlan0 eth0 Adeept 1234

Adeept is the name of the WIFI hotspot, 1234 is the password of the WIFI hotspot.