The Raspberry Pi will automatically run the program webServer.py when it is turned on. The webServer.py program will occupy the camera. If the program related to the camera is run again, the program will report an error. When you need to run the program manually, you need to stop the automatic running program.
1. Enter on the Raspberry Pi command line:
sudo killall python3 (to abort the autorun program)
2. Enter the Raspberry Pi photo command: "raspistill -t 1000 -o image.jpg", the Raspberry Pi will take a photo named image.jpg, which can be viewed by entering "ls". If the operation reports an error, please check whether the camera is installed correctly until the command can run successfully. Or the camera has been damaged.
Note: The Raspberry Pi needs to be powered off when plugging and unplugging the camera cable, otherwise the camera may be damaged.
3. Enter "sudo python3 adeept_raspclaws/server/webServer.py" in the Raspberry Pi.
4. If there is no error when running the program, please use Google Chrome to enter the web control interface through "Raspberry Pi IP address" + ":5000", and you can see the Raspberry Pi camera screen on the web control interface. For example: "". |