I have purchased both of the AWR2.0 RPi vehicle and the RaspArm and have managed to incorporate/attach the servos and hardware to the AWR2.0 kit. I have attached the new servos to 11,12,13,14,and 15 like the Adeept Tank documents indicate. There is no documentation for the AWR2.0 that indicate these upgrades but it is implied that an Arm can be attached. I noticed that the Adeept Android App has code to move an ARM option but because of the AWR2.0 configuration and assembly it is not readily disassemble able to use trial-n-error move servos; and has anyone used the Adeept Tank SD image on the AWR2.0 chassis. I was hope Adeept engineer's did some common coding....but I have seen that many robots from same vendors are as dissimilar as water and milk.
any thaughts? |