Edited by 1580296985 at 2020-2-5 12:56 AM
For the Mars Rover robot car -
I have tripple and quadrupple checked Adeept's assembly instructions to make sure we assembled it correctly. We DID.
However, when using your client software GUI and testing the car...EVERYTHING IS BACKWARDS.
1. If we click forward, the wheels go backwards and vice versa.
2. If we click left, the wheels go RIGHT, and vice versa
3. If we click left for the camera to rotate LEFT, it rotates RIGHT and vice versa.
Did anybody else experience this?
My suspicion is that Adeept somehow wired the battery backwards, because e v e r y t h i n g runs backwards...so the battery power must be backwards. The kit comes with the connector already soldered to the battery holder. It would be good if Adeept could check this?