The easiest way to implement IOS client to control the Robot is to install MQTT on Rasperry Pi and Xcode.
On Xcode you need to install CocoaPods and CocoaMQTT:
install cocoa pods on Mac
* sudo gem install cocoapods
* pod setup —verbose
* switch to library where MQTT demo Xcode project is saved
* open -a Xcode Podfile
this opens Editor in Xcode - remove # in line with platform an change 9.0 to 10.0
under use_frameworks insert
- pod ‘CocoaMQTT'
for Raspberry Pi install there is a good description: https://www.instructables.com/id ... to-on-Raspberry-Pi/
Then you can use Xcode to develop a valuable control app. To use video MQTT is not suitable, you would need to install ZMQ (ZeroMQ) on Xcode. I have not done this yet.
Hope this will help you further.