Index>Robot Kit>RaspClaws Spider Robot Kit for RPi>Introduce calling API to control the robot

Introduce calling API to control the robot


Introduce calling API to control the robot

Calling the API to Control the Robot


For the reason that the movement and other functions of walking robots are much more complicated than wheeled robots:

1. The wheeled robot only needs to control the high and low levels of a few GPIO ports to control the movement of the robot.

2. The walking robot needs to control the angle change of a dozen servos, which involves the change of the movement direction and the generation of gait, and it needs a lot of code to realize the movement of the walking robot.

If the code related to the motion control of the walking robot is written into `` or ``, the readability of the program will become poor, so we separate the communication from the underlying motion control program.

The code responsible for controlling the movement of the robot is in `` and `` in the `server` folder.

If you want to change the communication method of the robot, or want to write a program to control the robot, and do not want to reconstruct the code of the underlying motion control and gait generation, you can refer to the API introduced in this chapter to control the robot. The content introduced in this chapter is also the method used by our `` or `` to control the robot movement.

First of all, your program needs to be placed in the same file directory as ``and ``.  Importing and RPIservo.p:

import move  

import RPIservo


 After importing, the related thread that controls the robot's gait will be automatically opened in the background. If there is no command, the thread will be suspended. Put all servos in the initial position in, the default is `300`, the value will change after fine adjustment of the servo position:

init_pwm0 = 300      

init_pwm1 = 300    

init_pwm2 = 300    

init_pwm3 = 300    

init_pwm4 = 300    

init_pwm5 = 300    

init_pwm6 = 300    

init_pwm7 = 300    

init_pwm8 = 300    

init_pwm9 = 300    

init_pwm10 = 300    

init_pwm11 = 300    

init_pwm12 = 300    

init_pwm13 = 300    

init_pwm14 = 300    

init_pwm15 = 300   


The code responsible for initialization is in, call the initial value init_pwm in through exec, use the for loop to take out all the initial values and assign it to pwm0, pwm1... variables

1. for i in range(0,16):    

2.     exec('pwm%d=RPIservo.init_pwm%d'%(i,i))    


4. def init_all():    

5.     pwm.set_pwm(0, 0, pwm0)    

6.     pwm.set_pwm(1, 0, pwm1)    

7.     pwm.set_pwm(2, 0, pwm2)    

8.     pwm.set_pwm(3, 0, pwm3)    


10.     pwm.set_pwm(4, 0, pwm4)    

11.     pwm.set_pwm(5, 0, pwm5)    

12.     pwm.set_pwm(6, 0, pwm6)    

13.     pwm.set_pwm(7, 0, pwm7)    


15.     pwm.set_pwm(8, 0, pwm8)    

16.     pwm.set_pwm(9, 0, pwm9)    

17.     pwm.set_pwm(10, 0, pwm10)    

18.     pwm.set_pwm(11, 0, pwm11)    


20.     pwm.set_pwm(12, 0, pwm12)    

21.     pwm.set_pwm(13, 0, pwm13)    

22.     pwm.set_pwm(14, 0, pwm14)    

23.     pwm.set_pwm(15, 0, pwm15)      

24. init_all()  


In, the robotCtrl() function is used to control the robot to move forward, backward, turn left, turn right, and rotate the two-degree-of-freedom camera platform:

1. def robotCtrl(command_input, response):    

2.     global direction_command, turn_command    

3.     if 'forward' == command_input:                #move forward    

4.         direction_command = 'forward'    

5.         move.commandInput(direction_command)      #move backward       

6.     elif 'backward' == command_input:    

7.         direction_command = 'backward'    

8.         move.commandInput(direction_command)    

9.     elif 'DS' in command_input:                   #stop    

10.         direction_command = 'stand'    

11.         move.commandInput(direction_command)    

12.     elif 'left' == command_input:                 #turn left                  

13.         turn_command = 'left'    

14.         move.commandInput(turn_command)    

15.     elif 'right' == command_input:                #turn right    

16.         turn_command = 'right'    

17.         move.commandInput(turn_command)    

18.     elif 'TS' in command_input:                   #stop    

19.         turn_command = 'no'    

20.         move.commandInput(turn_command)    

21.     elif 'lookleft' == command_input:             # the platform turns left       

22.         P_sc.singleServo(12, 1, 7)    

23.     elif 'lookright' == command_input:            #the platform turns right     

24.         P_sc.singleServo(12,-1, 7)    

25.     elif 'LRstop' in command_input:         #the platform stops turning left and right    

26.         P_sc.stopWiggle()    

27.     elif 'up' == command_input:                   #platform turns upward                

28.         T_sc.singleServo(13, -1, 7)    

29.     elif 'down' == command_input:                 #platform turns downward     

30.         T_sc.singleServo(13, 1, 7)    

31.     elif 'UDstop' in command_input:           #the platform stops turning up and down     

32.         T_sc.stopWiggle()  


In, use the functionSelect() function to start the action of the robot:

1. def functionSelect(command_input, response):    

2.     global direction_command, turn_command, SmoothMode, steadyMode, functionMode    

3.     if 'scan' == command_input:    

4.         pass    

5.     elif 'findColor' == command_input:    

6.         flask_app.modeselect('findColor')    

7.     elif 'motionGet' == command_input:      # Moving object detection    

8.         flask_app.modeselect('watchDog')     

9.     elif 'stopCV' == command_input:    

10.         flask_app.modeselect('none')    

11.         switch.switch(1,0)    

12.         switch.switch(2,0)    

13.        switch.switch(3,0)            

14.     elif 'KD' == command_input:             #Self-balancing    

15.         move.commandInput(command_input)    

16.     elif 'automaticOff' == command_input:   # switch to default fast gait    

17.         move.commandInput(command_input)    

18.     elif 'automatic' == command_input:      # switch to slow gait    

19.         move.commandInput(command_input)     

20.     elif 'trackLine' == command_input:      # track line on    

21.         flask_app.modeselect('findlineCV')    

22.     elif 'trackLineOff' == command_input:   # track line off    

23.         flask_app.modeselect('none')    

24.     elif 'speech' == command_input:         # turn on the alarm light     

25.         RL.police()    

26.     elif 'speechOff' == command_input:      # turn off the alarm light     

27.         RL.pause()  


We control the robot to move forward, move backward, turn left, turn right, switch between fast and slow gait, and maintain self-balance in When the webserver, py receives the forward command "command_input", it will call the commandInput() function in When the commandInput() function receives an instruction, it starts a thread, calls the corresponding action, and executes a fast gait by default, such as forward moving, backward moving, left turn, and right turn:

1. def move_thread():    

2.     global step_set    

3.     stand_stu = 1    

4.     if not steadyMode:     

5.     '''''      

6.     #The default value of steadyMode is equal to True when the initial value is 0, and then else is not executed. When executing the self-balancing action, setting the initial value of steadyMode to 1, which is if not steadyMode: equal to False, then it will execute else.  

7.     '''    

8.         if direction_command == 'forward' and turn_command == 'no':    

9.            if SmoothMode:    

10.            '''''  

11.             #The default value of SmoothMode is equal to False when the initial value is 0, and it will execute else; when switching to slow gait, setting the initial value to 1, you will get if SmoothMode: equal to True, then it will execute dove ().  

12.             '''              

13.                 dove(step_set,35,0.001,DPI,'no')  # slow gait of moving forward    

14.                 step_set += 1    

15.                 if step_set == 5:    

16.                     step_set = 1    

17.             else:    

18.                 move(step_set, 35, 'no')          # fast gait of moving forward    

19.                 time.sleep(0.1)    

20.                 step_set += 1    

21.                 if step_set == 5:    

22.                    step_set = 1    

23.         elif direction_command == 'backward' and turn_command == 'no':    

24.            if SmoothMode:    

25.                 dove(step_set,-35,0.001,DPI,'no')  #slow gait of moving backward  

26.                 step_set += 1    

27.                 if step_set == 5:    

28.                     step_set = 1    

29.             else:    

30.                 move(step_set, -35, 'no')           # fast gait of moving backward    

31.                 time.sleep(0.1)    

32.                 step_set += 1    

33.                 if step_set == 5:    

34.                     step_set = 1    

35.         else:    

36.             pass    

37.         if turn_command != 'no':                    # gait of turning left and right    

38.             if SmoothMode:    

39.                 dove(step_set,35,0.001,DPI,turn_command)    

40.                 step_set += 1    

41.                 if step_set == 5:    

42.                     step_set = 1    

43.             else:    

44.                 move(step_set, 35, turn_command)    

45.                 time.sleep(0.1)    

46.                 step_set += 1    

47.                 if step_set == 5:    

48.                     step_set = 1    

49.         else:    

50.             pass    

51.         if turn_command == 'no' and direction_command == 'stand':    

52.             stand()    

53.             step_set = 1    

54.         pass    

55.     else:    #Self-balancing    

56.         steady_X()    

57.         steady()    


59. class RobotM(threading.Thread):    

60.     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):    

61.         super(RobotM, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)    

62.         self.__flag = threading.Event()  #The default flag is False, set the flag to True when calling set()        self.__flag.clear()    

63.     def pause(self):    

64.         #print('......................pause..........................')    

65.         self.__flag.clear()    

66.     def resume(self):    

67.         self.__flag.set()    

68.     def run(self):    

69.         while 1:    

70.             self.__flag.wait()           #wait for set()    

71.             move_thread()    

72.             pass    

73. rm = RobotM()    

74. rm.start()    

75. rm.pause()    


77. def commandInput(command_input):    

78.     global direction_command, turn_command, SmoothMode, steadyMode    

79.     if 'forward' == command_input:    

80.         direction_command = 'forward'    #move forward    

81.         rm.resume()    

82.     elif 'backward' == command_input:    

83.         direction_command = 'backward'   #move backward    

84.         rm.resume()    

85.     elif 'stand' in command_input:    

86.         direction_command = 'stand'      #stand at attention    

87.         rm.pause()    

88.     elif 'left' == command_input:    

89.         turn_command = 'left'             #turn left    

90.         rm.resume()    

91.     elif 'right' == command_input:    

92.         turn_command = 'right'            #turn right    

93.         rm.resume()    

94.     elif 'no' in command_input:           #stop    

95.         turn_command = 'no'    

96.         rm.pause()    

97.     elif 'automaticOff' == command_input: #Switch to fast gait    

98.         SmoothMode = 0    

99.         steadyMode = 0    

100.         rm.pause()    

101.     elif 'automatic' == command_input:    #Switch to slow gait    

102.         rm.resume()    

103.         SmoothMode = 1    

104.     elif 'KD' == command_input:           #Self-balancing    

105.         steadyMode = 1    

106.         rm.resume()